Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What It's Really Like

So after our DC trip, Mr. Snoop and I went down to Texas for more interviews and to visit family and friends. I think we managed to squeeze in seeing as many of our family and friends as humanly possible in one trip. I came back up to New York (that work thing) and Mr. Snoop kept on truckin with the interviews.

While I was in DC I talked to all of my friends about the interview/match process. They have been so supportive and wonderful. One friend (hi Johanna!) remarked--correctly--that reading here made it seem like I am not so stressed. While I try to focus on the positive, I'm going to lay it all out there. I have to be a bit vague on specifics until we find out our answer to whether and where Mr. Snoop matched in March. But I'll be as direct as a can be:

This process has been hell.

Even though Mr. Snoop is a competitive candidate, trying to match in a top three specialty is really stressful and really difficult. How stressful, you ask? Well, this story should give you a picture. At one point, Mr. Snoop received an interview offer from a program located in a place where we would typically never, ever choose to live. Like ever. And I started sobbing hysterically. Not because I didn't want to live there (and I don't), but because I was so incredibly relieved that he had gotten an interview offer. Even though it was at what we consider the ends of the earth. Those of you who know me know that I am not really that much of a cryer. Things have improved from that point, but it should give you an idea about what this has been like.

Mr. Snoop and I have been so fortunate to have people praying for us. At the risk of sounding totally cheesy, we can feel the prayers and have no doubt that they are working. The upside to all this is that I am learning really good lessons. First and foremost on control: Who is really in control of our little lives, and how much control we actually have. After doing everything possible to put himself in the best position to match, Mr. Snoop's situation is still up in the air and scary. The control thing is one of God's lifelong lessons for me. I get to learn that one again and again and again.

The seond big lesson is on friendship. Spending time in DC and Texas with people we love, care about, and have a great time with gave us a clear idea of what types of people we want in our lives--who we are compatible with in terms of friendship, values, and outlook on life. Our current predicament is interesting in what it reveals about other people. As an introvert (yes, it's true!), I'm constantly observing the behavior of others. What our situation brings out in people, for good or for bad, is beyond telling.

I'm trying to be grateful for these lessons, knowing that they are God's way of humbling me and refining my character. So now I am learning the virtue of patience. Just about a month and a half until we find out if and where Mr. Snoop matched. We have a backup plan. And a backup plan to our backup plan. Plus a backup plan to the backup plan's backup plan. These next four months are going to be so full, regardless of The Match. My goal is to soak them up and enjoy. And as for The Match, this is a pic I took on a run on the interview trail.... here's to hoping!


  1. Hang in there, lady! I know it's tough, scary and overall pretty sucky! What's meant to be, will be :) (Please don't cyber-punch me for saying that - I know I hated hearing that when we were in your shoes last year!)
    It's ok to be human - not everything is great, positive and sunshine and rainbows...especially when Medical School is involved ;)

    1. No cyber-punching! Cyber hug!! Thanks for this... I keep repeating that mantra in my head, but it is SO nice to hear from someone who has been there.
