Friday, April 13, 2012

The Busiest Time of the Year

Since I work in a church, you'd think that Advent and Christmas would be my most frantic time of year.  Not the case.  Sure, Advent can be a little nutty, but Christmas and New Years is actually quite relaxing--there is no Sunday School or Youth Group when the kids are on winter break!

We are now entering my busy season.  When I first took my job, my co-worker told me that first winter that January and February draaaaaaaggggg on, but that once March hits, it is a super fast downhill slide til summer.  And it is so true.  I keep dating things starting with a "3."  I honestly don't know where March went, and here we are halfway through April.  I guess I thought that once I was out of school, the springtime graduation month(s) would be less chaotic.  Wrong.  Maybe since I work with school-age children, the months of April - June are still insanely busy, which I do love.  It makes summertime that much sweeter.  Ya'll know summer is two months in the Great White North, right?  July and August.

So I was putting things on Mr. Snoop's and my wall calendar at home (you know me, I must be surrounded by calendars at all times.  I type with my paws on the keyboard and my forearms on my Erin Condren.  I wish I were kidding about that) and anyway, we swiftly realized that we have ONE free weekend from here til July.  One, y'all.  Not that there are all huge events every weekend--some are--but we already have something going on every single weekend, already. 

Are April - June like this for everyone else? 

To sum up this totally random splat of words on a page (thanks for reading if you made it this far!), here is a picture of Mr. Snoop holding our friends' baby.  Those of you who know Mr. Snoop in person are aware that hell froze over the moment this event occurred.  That's right, Mr. Snoop managed to make it nearly 27 years without ever holding a newborn.  He approached the hand off like it was brain surgery, or better yet, a rocket launch.  Even though all 8 lbs of baby K was totally konked out, you can see the panic in Mr. Snoop's eyes...

Have a great weekend, everyone!


  1. Oh my goodness only 1 free weekend?! sounds like you should use that weekend to do absolutely nothing!
