Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Texas BBQ.... in New York

Mr. Snoop and friends finished their 8 week surgery rotation last friday.  After a brutal exam, they were ready for some fun.  Our friends from Rhode Island had found a supposedly legitimate Texas barbecue place just north of us.  Naturally, I was skeptical.  But Mr. Snoop, being the self-appointed social chair of our group of friends (some frat boy behavior just doesn't go away), arranged a trip and we all headed up.


It was good.

No kidding.  I mean it wasn't Cooper's or Salt Lick, but it was good.  Definitely the real deal.

Yes, that is a Lone Star that you see.

So if you happen to be a displaced Texan in New York like myself, get thee up to Cold Spring and get some Round Up barbecue.  Worth it.  They are building a pavilion this spring, so we'll definitely go back over the summer.

Because I'm a jerk, I brought this along:

Fortunately the proprietor (whose wife is from Denton), absolutely loved it.  He carried it off to show his wife.  And then I gave him a piece and he loved it even more.  But who doesn't love kahlua brownies?

And then Mr. Snoop played approximately 8745 hours of darts.  Like I said about the frat boy behavior.

So that was our weekend.

Plus this:

Stand off.  Which tail is fluffier?


  1. Sounds like the perfect way to celebrate the end of the rotation! And finding a place that can "take" you home with food is definitely a great thing to find!

  2. A very artistic photo of Sham; love the lighting. And he definitely wins the standoff. One question: will there be dancing at the pavilion?
