Friday, January 6, 2012

Austin Vacay

Mr. Snoop and I headed down to Austin to visit my family and get a big dose of vitamin d.  It was marvelous.  What made it even better was that Keely and her husband J came down to hang out with us and see Austin.  It was such a great trip.  I also got to hang out with my longtime friend C and his new boyfriend in their new home.  There is just nothing better than seeing your friends happy. 

Mr. Snoop and my brother took a guy's hunting trip with my dad and grandfather.  They didn't come home with anything.  I wonder why....

Mr. Snoop foreground, Chris behind him.  I'm so glad that they are wearing the monogrammed krokies I got them for their birthdays.

While the boys were doing man things, there was plenty of girl time to be had.  I hung out a lot here...

And I spent plenty of time annoying/yodeling my girl Wink....

Her name is Wink because she only has one eye.  It's a long and sad story involving rogue chickens on the streets of Austin.  She blends really well with the leaves, right?

Once Keely and J were in town, we went with SK to the Hayden Bowers Classic, which was wonderful and hugely well-attended.  While there, we may or may not have told our pastor that we were going to the bar.  CAR,  I mean, CAR!  Here's the poster everyone signed...

Taken from here

We also made a group trip to see the Zilker Tree, which Mr. Snoop has never seen and I haven't been to since middle or high school.

All in all it was a great and much-needed trip.  It was wonderful to see family and friends and get a booster of Vitamin D! 

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