Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Our Weekend

Not much of a coherent post, but here's what has been going on for the snoops.

- Mr. Snoop is on his last day of Labor and Delivery.  Because he is at a high risk pregnancy center, he has seen about a thousand cesereans and zero v@ginal births.  So cross your fingers that someone comes in today to give birth the traditional way! 

- We both had a serious hankerin for a greasy cheeseburger this weekend, so we went to Elevation Burger with some friends.  It is a new place and it is all fancy pantsy organic, so I was suspicious.  Normally I'm all about the organic thing, but I like my cheeseburgers downright filthy.  Organic and filthy don't usually go together.  Well friends, Elevation Burger proved me wrong.  It was everything a burger should be: I needed tons of napkins, the bun totally disentegrated, and I could have eaten two.  And now I want another one.

- I've done this craft with two different groups of kids in the past two weeks:

It was a huge hit!  You can use anything--I provided marshmallows, raisins, and fruit loops.  You use toothpicks to stick them on.  Lots of fun if you are looking for a simple thanksgiving craft this week.

- I got the maybelline baby lips chapstick.  I have been meaning to pick some up since I had a coupon.  Then I saw and ad for it and it did me in.  I really like it, creepy name nonwithstanding.

- Dancing With the Stars: My girl Keely has me hooked.  J.R. and Karina rocked the freestyle and it was freaking awesome.  Along with the rest of America, I just love J.R.  I was tickled to learn he is one of People's Sexiest Men.  And love what he had to say about it:  "Being listed as one of peoples sexiest men alive shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. What do you think I had 33 surgeries for?"  For those of you who don't know, the dude was blown up by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan (or Iraq?) and is burned all over his body.  Totally America's Sweetheart.

- Mr. Snoop and I are headed down to Austin tonight for Thanksgiving.  75 and sunny, here I come!

- What are your Thanksgiving plans?

1 comment:

  1. Organic burger? Does sound interesting but I'm glad you enjoyed it! The craft is super cute, if I had any youngins around I would definitely make it.
    Enjoy TX! We're headed to a friends house to enjoy thanksgiving with a few other med.school couples.
    Happy (early) Thanksgiving!
