Thursday, November 3, 2011

My Sister's Blog

Sisters doing what we do best: tormenting our brother

It's official.... all three of the Sullivan kiddos are blogging! 

The three of us more recently, at my cousin's graduation.  Chris, why were you wearing a tie?

My sister just started a blog!  It is called Music Ed. Mayhem.  When it comes to all things music, Kathleen is your girl!  She sang "The Lord's Prayer" at Mr. Snoop's and my wedding, and it was my favorite part of the entire ceremony.  Those of you who know Kathleen know that she has been singing since birth, pretty much.  And she has an incredible voice!

Kathleen's college degree is in Vocal Music and Education.  So girlfriend knows what she's talking about.  Since there is a hiring freeze in Texas right now, she is applying to grad school in Choral Conducting.  Suffice to say that all the music genes in the family were saved for her!
So go check her out over at:

Plus, she was an extremely adorable baby.

And she is really good at torturing Shammy Boy

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