Friday, November 18, 2011

The Alert System

Confession:  I am a super grouch when I get low blood sugar. 

Another Confession:  The above is the biggest understatement of all time.  Replace "super grouch" with rapid, evil, destruction-wreaking, blood-sucking bat.  That is more like it.

Part of the problem is that I get low blood sugar without ever realizing that I am hungry.  And then bad things happen.

My family holds Mr. Snoop in high esteem primarily because he invented a System.  The System is the Alert System.  For me.  When I get low blood sugar.  It goes like this:

Situation Normal:  Snoop is well-fed.  Everything is ok.

Yellow Alert:  Snoop is getting low blood sugar.  Develop a plan to feed her.  Quickly.

Orange Alert: Snoop has the initial stages of low blood sugar.  Accelerate a plan to feed her.  Now.

Red Alert:  Snoop is ravenous.  She should have been fed 5 minutes ago.  Situation is dire.  Alert national and international security about immiment devastation to be wrought by Snoop unless she is fed.

So there you have it.  The Alert System.  Mr. Snoop is pretty much a superhero for inventing it.

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