Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Our Weekend

Not much of a coherent post, but here's what has been going on for the snoops.

- Mr. Snoop is on his last day of Labor and Delivery.  Because he is at a high risk pregnancy center, he has seen about a thousand cesereans and zero v@ginal births.  So cross your fingers that someone comes in today to give birth the traditional way! 

- We both had a serious hankerin for a greasy cheeseburger this weekend, so we went to Elevation Burger with some friends.  It is a new place and it is all fancy pantsy organic, so I was suspicious.  Normally I'm all about the organic thing, but I like my cheeseburgers downright filthy.  Organic and filthy don't usually go together.  Well friends, Elevation Burger proved me wrong.  It was everything a burger should be: I needed tons of napkins, the bun totally disentegrated, and I could have eaten two.  And now I want another one.

- I've done this craft with two different groups of kids in the past two weeks:

It was a huge hit!  You can use anything--I provided marshmallows, raisins, and fruit loops.  You use toothpicks to stick them on.  Lots of fun if you are looking for a simple thanksgiving craft this week.

- I got the maybelline baby lips chapstick.  I have been meaning to pick some up since I had a coupon.  Then I saw and ad for it and it did me in.  I really like it, creepy name nonwithstanding.

- Dancing With the Stars: My girl Keely has me hooked.  J.R. and Karina rocked the freestyle and it was freaking awesome.  Along with the rest of America, I just love J.R.  I was tickled to learn he is one of People's Sexiest Men.  And love what he had to say about it:  "Being listed as one of peoples sexiest men alive shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. What do you think I had 33 surgeries for?"  For those of you who don't know, the dude was blown up by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan (or Iraq?) and is burned all over his body.  Totally America's Sweetheart.

- Mr. Snoop and I are headed down to Austin tonight for Thanksgiving.  75 and sunny, here I come!

- What are your Thanksgiving plans?

Friday, November 18, 2011

The Alert System

Confession:  I am a super grouch when I get low blood sugar. 

Another Confession:  The above is the biggest understatement of all time.  Replace "super grouch" with rapid, evil, destruction-wreaking, blood-sucking bat.  That is more like it.

Part of the problem is that I get low blood sugar without ever realizing that I am hungry.  And then bad things happen.

My family holds Mr. Snoop in high esteem primarily because he invented a System.  The System is the Alert System.  For me.  When I get low blood sugar.  It goes like this:

Situation Normal:  Snoop is well-fed.  Everything is ok.

Yellow Alert:  Snoop is getting low blood sugar.  Develop a plan to feed her.  Quickly.

Orange Alert: Snoop has the initial stages of low blood sugar.  Accelerate a plan to feed her.  Now.

Red Alert:  Snoop is ravenous.  She should have been fed 5 minutes ago.  Situation is dire.  Alert national and international security about immiment devastation to be wrought by Snoop unless she is fed.

So there you have it.  The Alert System.  Mr. Snoop is pretty much a superhero for inventing it.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Amniotic fluid on his shoes

This past weekend, Mr. Snoop had his first 27 hour shift in Labor and Delivery.  He started at 6am on Saturday morning and finished up Sunday morning.  Since it was the day after 11/11/11, I figured lots of women would have been trying to get their labor started for an 11/11/11 baby and would overflow on to 11/12.  Plus it was also a full moon, and he was there overnight.  So you'd think, lots of deliveries, right? 


Mr. Snoop was most upset.  And tired.  I came home after work Sunday morning to this:

Yes, he was wearing my eye mask.  And yes, Woo was keeping him company.  Yes, Woo is a small bear, not a cat.

So Mr. Snoop had an overnight last night (6pm  - 6am).  He was really hoping for some delivery action.  When he came in at 6:30am, I asked him how it went.  All he said was "I got amniotic fluid all over my shoes.  I'll tell you about it later."  He's still slumbering, so I'll let y'all know what went down once I find out.

With all the talk of amniotic fluid, I'll leave you with a wondrous picture of Shammy Boy that I took over the weekend.  You might want to shield your eyes from the glory.  The butt and tail fluff on that guy is outrageous.

Next time we do Moses, I am totally telling the kids that this is what the Pillar of Cloud looked like.  Without the pink nose.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Our Weekend: Brooklyn Bridge

This weekend marked the end of Mr. Snoop's time in his psychiatry rotation.  He just missed the guy dangling from the Tappan Zee bridge, who came in to the psych unit at Westchester Medical Center once he failed to swim away from the police.  Too bad!  To celebrate his weekend off, we spent Saturday in the city.  Mr. Snoop has never walked to Brooklyn Bridge, so we did that.  And then we went to Grimaldi's Pizza on the other side.  We waited 45 minutes.  Worth it.

After Grimaldi's, we had ice cream (totally decadent) and then went over to the High Line, which we have both been wanting to do.  For those of you who haven't heard about it, the High Line is an old elevated train track which they have turned into a park on the Lower West Side.  It is pretty awesome. 

On the train down to the Brooklyn Bridge there was a group of guys chatting en espanol.  I was super excited because they were calling each other "wey" and "cabron."  It was like a little piece of home on the subway.  Then later in the day we witnessed several episodes of New Yorker Psychosis on the train.  Sometimes I really wonder about peoples' blood pressure up here.  All that anger can't be good for you.

Also, while in the city we were stopped by four separate people/groups asking us for directions, which made me happy.  I guess when your husband is wearing a tshirt that says "Rebuilding Lives- Annunciation Mission, New Orleans" you look pretty approachable.  I was glad because I actually knew enough to help them! 

Mr. Snoop starts his ObGyn rotation today.  This week he is doing Gyn surgery, which he was feeling a little unnerved about.  Good thing he had Woo to help him break in his surgery crocs.

PS: Mom, this is the new rug I was telling you about.

I hope everyone had a great weekend!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

My Sister's Blog

Sisters doing what we do best: tormenting our brother

It's official.... all three of the Sullivan kiddos are blogging! 

The three of us more recently, at my cousin's graduation.  Chris, why were you wearing a tie?

My sister just started a blog!  It is called Music Ed. Mayhem.  When it comes to all things music, Kathleen is your girl!  She sang "The Lord's Prayer" at Mr. Snoop's and my wedding, and it was my favorite part of the entire ceremony.  Those of you who know Kathleen know that she has been singing since birth, pretty much.  And she has an incredible voice!

Kathleen's college degree is in Vocal Music and Education.  So girlfriend knows what she's talking about.  Since there is a hiring freeze in Texas right now, she is applying to grad school in Choral Conducting.  Suffice to say that all the music genes in the family were saved for her!
So go check her out over at:

Plus, she was an extremely adorable baby.

And she is really good at torturing Shammy Boy

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween Weekend

I hope everyone had a very happy Halloween!  It was a HUGE weekend for us.  We left Friday at 7:00pm for Mr. Snoop's sister's wedding in Norfolk, which was so much fun.  Both Mr. Snoop and I just love our new brother-in-law and could not be happier for the new Mr. and Mrs. Guerra! 

On Sunday we flew back to NY at 7:00am, and I had one of my biggest events of the year: the annual Pumpkin Carving.  There were close to 70 people there, even though the church was out of power and heat.  It was so much fun!  Some pics from the weekend...

Mr. Snoop and his nephew in their matching periodic table tshirts. 
Family resemblance, much?

The Guerra's sweet love of an angel kitty, Eva.  She is so petite and precious!

Meanwhile, this sh*t was going on in New York. 
This is a photo of my car at work, mid morning on Saturday, that my co-worker sent.

Our ensembles for the wedding.  We are looking a bit yellow.  Thanks, iphone.

I headed straight off the plane to work on Sunday morning, and then spent the rest of the day getting ready for the Pumpkin Carving.  The church had partially lost power, so there was no heat (good thing there were so many people there for body heat!) and only two of the lights worked.  But it was a great turnout and a great time just the same.  Then I went home and slept for 14 hours.  True story.

Pizzas from the Pumpkin Carving.  Cute, right?

Our house, post October snow.  Hate.