Looking out over the Hudson toward New Jersey.
The day after Christmas, Mr. Snoop, his family, and I all went into the city and visited The Cloisters. Definitely a place to see if you get a chance. The Cloisters are at the very northern tip of Manhattan. It is hard to believe you are in the city up there, as you can see in the above pic.
The Cloisters house all sorts of Medieval art and scultpure, nearly all of which is religious. Which of course I loved. They also have a great audio tour if that's your thing. Which is totally my thing, since I am a judgemental b*tch and most tour guides annoy the crap out of me. And people in tour groups also annoy me. Hateful, I know. So the audio guide is my best friend.
Here are some of the (many) things I took pictures of..
Beautiful crucifix with Mary and child in the background. I loved this. The crucifix is really old. Don't ask how old because I don't do numbers. Just take my word for it.
Mary and child on a baptismal
I loved this guy. I think he was a clown or acrobat of some sort.. with his head between his feet!
The Magi. These are near life-size.
One of my faves. St. Ann resting with baby Mary.
A tip if you go: There is lots more to see than I was anticipating, so give yourself plenty of time. And maybe bring snacks. N was rationing individual skittles to me so that my blood sugar didn't plummet.
The guy with his head between his legs is obviously a medieval yogi. He is doing a version of Parsvottanasana.