That's right... Mr. Snoop and I have jumped aboard the Downton Abbey train. I'm obsessed. Mr. Snoop likes it just fine. Last week I had a truly nasty cold for a good 3-4 days. I'm usually a one good hard sick day kind of gal, so it was miserable and drawn out. The only benefit was that we discovered Downton Abbey. After being told to watch it a billion times by my mom and coworker, we dove in. I loooooooooove it! The intrigue, the dresses, the accents, the scenery, the snobbery, the dresses again.... love love love.
So obviously, you should watch it, if you don't already.
If you are a Downton fan, you have to take the "Which Character Are You?" quiz, here. As if you had to even ask, I got the Dowager Countess of Grantham, Violet Crawley.
Do you watch Downton? Did you take the quiz? If so, who are you?
Like mother, like daughter.