It's been a while. Here's what we've been up to, in bullet points:
- We bought a house! After going down to Austin for Easter, Mr. Snoop, Mama Cat, and I drove down Easter Monday for the house hunt. After seeing 10 houses (more on that in a sec), we found two houses that we were happy with. On Tuesday morning, we put down an offer and it was accepted by Tuesday afternoon. Alleluia!
- House #8 had maroon walls and orange trim. Also, it smelled like a giant litterbox. Mr. Snoop counted nine cats. You know that means there were more hiding. There was a litterbox in the bathtub. Ew.
- On a related note, if you are trying to sell your house, why in the hell would you leave it a hot mess? I'm talking piled up dirty dishes in the sink, unmade beds, piles of dog poop in the yard, dirty laundry strewn about, and a weird vampire-esque altar on a piano. Really? Ick.
- Our new house has a huge kitchen with an attached sunporch. I can't wait to move!
- Also, there is a JCrew outlet within thirty minutes of our new house. Excellent.
- Speaking of shopping, I found a pair of Lilly shorts in my size at our Marshall's. $25! Perfect for moving back to Texas, if I do say so myself. It is STILL not warm enough for shorts or short sleeves here. The print on my new shorts is "Garden by the Sea," below:

- In other shopping news, I have accomplished a lifelong goal. Mr. Snoop bought a pink and white dress shirt yesterday. He looks amazing.
- On a less shallow note, the Boston Marathon bombings. So very sad. All events like this are terrible. But as a runner, I'm specifically pissed off that someone messed with my therapy in this way. Races are when you get to celebrate all the hard work and progess--both physical and mental--that you've made. There are some truly crazy people in this world.
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