So here's what has been going on in the Snoop household as of December.
- Mr Snoop has been flying across the country for interviews. He does not have very many, but it has still been insane. I can't imagine what it must be like to have a large number of interviews and have to fly around everywhere to get to those. Then again, all of his interview have been well south of the Mason Dixon, which means longer and more travel.
- My main goal in life right now is to try to stay sane in this interview process. Luckily (I guess) December is such a busy month. So my life has looked like..
- Work
- Yoga. I always knew I had tight hamstrings, but I had no idea they were this bad. My down dog is absolutely atrocious. And I have had many, many sightings of panties man. My theory was correct. He comes in his regular clothes and then just strips down to his underwear. I would freeze.
- In a possibly related note, I am coming down with a sty/pinkeye. This typically happens when I am stressed, but I still blame panties man. Yes, I bring my own mat. But still, I knew that sh*t is unsanitary.
- Christmas prep. Typically I have all my shopping done by December 1. Ha. Not this year. This is complicated by the impending arrival of a new niece (!!!!) soon. Still need to make a big brother gift.
- I made my first lululemon purchase. Typically, I do not like to spend ridiculous amounts of money on clothes I am going to sweat in. But then there was a lululemon outlet. And they had $19 running shorts that have a zipper in the back waist for a car key. And they were marvelously comfortable and pretty darn cute. So I bought 3 pairs. I'm justifying it by the fact that they were originally $68 a piece (I mean really?? Come on!).
The End
Retail therapy works wonders, especially if you can use the purchase to look cute while doing something healthy.