Friday, April 27, 2012

What We've Been Up To

- After a month of spring-like weather, it is cold again up here.  So cold that the heat is on and there is a freeze warning for the next three nights.  Yeah, it's almost May.  They say that in the Great White North you should not plant anything in your yard before Mother's Day.  Last weekend, Mr. Snoop and I took a risk and did yardwork all day Saturday.  We're such rebels.  Pray for my impatiens. 

- If I do say so myself, I am a bit of an expert when it comes to digging up and dividing hostas.  I did a ton last spring, so I got back to work this past Saturday.  See evidence...  little girl with a big hosta.

Sorry about the crazy eyes, that thing was heavy.

- I got Mr. Snoop a compost tumbler for his birthday last year.  This past weekend, he mixed in his first "batch."  Warning: Mr. Snoop sans shirt.  Meow.

- Aside from being yardwork geeks, what else are we up to?  Well, Mr. Snoop has started his pediatric rotation, which is his last rotation of 3rd year.  Yikes, that went fast.  He likes that he does not have to wear his nemesis, the white coat.  And he's broken out all the "fun" ties with critters on them.  Jcrew addict, much?

- Is it weird that I am SO excited that Giuliana and Bill Rancic are going to have a baby?  I am just thrilled for them. 

- I finally started reading the Hunger Games.  Yes, I work with middle and high schoolers.  No, I hadn't read it till now.  I started the first book Wednesday and now am almost done.  So good and so addictive.  Now I can't wait to see the movie.

- Did I ever talk about the book ColumbineThis one by Dave Cullen.  I read it a couple of months ago and it was a great book.  Sort of In Cold Blood-esque.  The author did an incredible, painstaking job with his research.  Mr. Snoop is reading it now.

- Our TV show du jour is Game of Thrones.  Anyone else like this one?  It is pretty addicting.  Almost as much as the Hunger Games. 

- Have a great weekend, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. My coworker was just telling me about Game of Thrones (I have not seen it) and Whooo Whoo SnoopBoy ;)
