The other night, Mr. Snoop and I were talking about his sister's graduation from medical school this May and the logistics of getting there.
And that's when Mr. Snoop dropped this bomb:
"My school emailed me our graduation date but I deleted it."
No. He. Didn't.
Mr. Snoop's graduation date from med school has thus far been on par with other myths and urban legends like Atlantis, the Loch Ness monster, and alligators living in the nyc sewers. The fact that it might actually be real was heretofore unheard of. Naturally, I lost my ever loving mind that he had not only deleted the email, but emptied the trash folder. Mr. Snoop could not understand why I was flipping the eff out.
He is lucky to be alive.
Thankfully for him, upon receiving my panicked text message, my fellow medwife Keely came to the rescue. As did some of our female med student friends. I note that they were female because let's be honest, I think all of the guys had the same reaction.
May 23, 2013. At 5pm.
DUDE. Josh didn't even find it to be appropriate to mention to me!!! J is catching his disease!!!! LOL