Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Pumpkin Spice

After two trips to Oktoberfest and a apple-picking weekend coming up, I have finally accepted that it is fall.  My fall decorations are up and my summer clothes are packed away.  While I haven't been able to bring myself to unpack sweaters, the air is clean and crisp.  After an unbelievable rainy several weeks, the sun is finally out!  When Mr. Snoop got into med school up here, he attempted to lure me away from the south by repeatedly talking about how this area has "the most beautiful falls."  Let's hope that the leaves this year prove that to be true!

This morning I brewed  up a cup of my favorite thing about fall: Pumpkin Spice coffee!  My sister-in-law introduced me to the addiction that is Green Mountain Pumpkin Spice coffee over four years ago and I have been hooked ever since.  So once fall rolls around, I break out my Pumpkin Spice.  Mr. Snoop is not a coffee drinker (freak) but he does love the smell of my Pumpkin Spice. 

I know my brother, who worked at this coffee company this past summer, will mock me for my plebian tastes -- flavored coffee, how quaint-- but I love it any way and I don't care.  So take that, coffee snobs!  Green Mountain Coffee is not cheap ($8.49 a bag), but it is my special morning indulgence.  I only drink one cup a day and I savor every second.  However, if you are inclined to give Pumpkin Spice a try, I just got an email that they have a discount code right now (E2302-4759).  Of course, I bought my hoard a month ago so I missed the deal.  Boo.

Do you have a special fall coffee that you love?  I'm sure that there are other equally delicious Pumpkin Spices out there... what do you recommend?


  1. ooo I may be making a purchase today ;)
    I really like the cinnamon spice made by dunkin doughnuts. It's pretty tasty and works well for both fall and winter!
