Oh yeah, check out the "feels like" on that picture.
So here we are over half way through (I hope!) this winter. We've reached the point at which I am whiny and irrationally angry about the cold. My skin itches, I haven't seen my arms or legs outside of a shower in months, and I'm craving warm sun. And sand. Even Mr. Snoop is getting sick of it all. We're both really ready to spend some time outside. This being my 4th (and possibly final) Great White North Winter, I've learned some things. About how to keep my wimpy butt marginally warm. Behold:
- Fleece-lined leggings and tights. An absolute necessity. Winter is impossible without them.
- Tall leather boots. In brown and black. I discovered that the more of your body that is covered up, the better.
- Layers upon layers upon layers. Seriously. I wear so many clothes that it is laughable. For example, a typical winter outfit for me involves pants or leggings, socks, tall boots on the bottom half. And then we get to the top. Oh boy. On top I wear a short sleeved tshirt (or tanktop if it is above freezing) as a base layer, one long sleeved base layer, and then one or two sweaters on top of that. And a scarf. No, I don't sweat in all that. I can't remember the last time I was warm enough to sweat.
- Hot beverages. Tea, hot chocolate, etc. I drink hot tea constantly, especially since I work in an old, drafty church. It does help keep a person warm. And hydrated.
- Flannel sheets.
- Do not go outside without a hat and gloves.
- Many people would say wool, but I'm allergic. Hence, layers.
Thanks to listening to me whine. 20 days til March 11th (Match/Unmatch). Fortunately, in the mean time, I just got a groupon for a southern food (I've been needing fried chicken lately) restaurant in the city and my brother is coming up to distract us.