Well, we made it safely through Irene. The power only went out for a couple of seconds on Sunday night.. after the hurricane came through. Honestly, I find the snowstorms up here to be far more terrifying than Irene was. But then again I'm allergic to the cold. This is the worst of the damages in the Snoop household:
I sustained this perfectly rhombus-shaped burn while baking cookies for the hospital staff who had to stay overnight Saturday in order to work on Sunday. And yes, a cat stepped on me in utero. That's how I got the birthmark.
All joking aside, this happened about a mile away:
In addition, neighborhoods in the town where I work got over 4 feet of water. A psychiatrist who was an attending physician for medical students in their psych rotation at Mr. Snoop's school died. So sad. Needless to say, I am very thankful that the little cottage we rent was so solidly built over a hundred years ago... on a hill.
On to other news. Mr. Snoop is nearing the tail end of his Internal Medicine rotation, and has decided without a doubt that Internal Medicine is not for him. But, as I learned last night, I'm glad he is apparently making friends:
He says: "Did I tell you about the nurse at the hospital who treats me like I'm her son?"
I say: "Umm. No."
Mr. Snoop: "Yeah, she's a little bit older. She rubs my head and brings me popcorn."
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Hurricane a comin'!
Well, in case you haven't heard blaring from all things news-related, Hurricane Irene is on her way to our neck of the woods. For all things Earth Science, it's been quite a week up here in the Great White North. First there was The Earthquake. Which I did not feel. My co-worker, 20 feet away in the next office, did. He said "The church is moving!" I said, "You're crazy!" He wasn't. I never felt earthquakes when I lived in Memphis, either.
And now, Irene.
Earlier this summer, I took eleven teenagers down to New Orleans on a mission trip (they rocked, btw). There was still a lot of work to be done down there. I lived not too far from Katrina when it came through. Though I have a very healthy respect for hurricanes and the damage which they can wreak, somehow my feelings around Irene have gone all Disney. All I can think about is this:
And now, Irene.
Earlier this summer, I took eleven teenagers down to New Orleans on a mission trip (they rocked, btw). There was still a lot of work to be done down there. I lived not too far from Katrina when it came through. Though I have a very healthy respect for hurricanes and the damage which they can wreak, somehow my feelings around Irene have gone all Disney. All I can think about is this:
"Hurricane's a comin'! Stand fast the riggings!"
In spite of my Disney-fication of Irene, I am ready with the following items:
Battery-powered lanterns (2)
Candles (lots)
Butane Lighters (2)
Water (a couple jugs)
....None of which is immune from Disney-fication either. Now I have Scar's voice running through my head:
"Be Prepaaarrrred! Muaahahahaha!"
Maybe I process stress through Disney. Is that wrong? This is my first hurricane, after all.
On a totally unrelated note, Lilly Pulitzer is having their summer sale. I ordered two totally adorable dresses for work. Ya'll should check it out!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Things I Think You Should Do in NYC: Tenement Museum
The Tenement Museum is one of my very favorite places to take people in the city. In my opinion, it is a must-see if any of the following applies to you:
- You are, or your ancestors were immigrants to this country
- You are visiting the US
- You read A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
- You read All Of A Kind Family
- You read Angela's Ashes
So basically, everyone should visit the Tenement Museum. Also, if you have not read the above 3 books, please do so immediately. Really. Now!
The Tenement Museum is located in the Lower East Side. They have acquired an old tenement house (the multi-family homes where new immigrants often lived) at 97 Orchard St. The tenement house itself is really cool to see, but beyond that, the museum has recreated the living quarters for several immigrant families from various ethnic backgrounds and eras.
Guests walk through a guided tour about what life was like for a specific family in a specific time period. The Tenement Museum has researched real folks who lived at the real 97 Orchard Street. During the tour, you see pictures of the family, learn their story, and see what life would have been like for them. It is really well done and a great experience!
Currently, they have tours that detail the experiences of Irish, Jewish, Italian, and German immigrants. If you are every in NYC, you've got to go! I also really like the little gift shop at the Tenement Museum. They have cool stuff at reasonable (for New York) prices. Great gift items. So, go see the Tenement Museum!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Norton goes home
Dear Norton,
Today you are going home. I can't really say that I will miss your continually snotty nose, especially when you get all weirdly affectionate and try to wipe it on me. Sick. I will miss how you enjoy sitting in front of the a/c window unit. That was strange. I will not miss your mean-spirited behavior towards Shammy Boy. He just wanted to be friends. There was no need to hiss and bat at him for two weeks. Luckily, Big Brother Woo kept you in your place. I will miss having a cat that weighs less than 10 pounds to manhandle, even if you hated it. But you shouldn't have laid around like this and expected me not to attack you:
Today you are going home. I can't really say that I will miss your continually snotty nose, especially when you get all weirdly affectionate and try to wipe it on me. Sick. I will miss how you enjoy sitting in front of the a/c window unit. That was strange. I will not miss your mean-spirited behavior towards Shammy Boy. He just wanted to be friends. There was no need to hiss and bat at him for two weeks. Luckily, Big Brother Woo kept you in your place. I will miss having a cat that weighs less than 10 pounds to manhandle, even if you hated it. But you shouldn't have laid around like this and expected me not to attack you:
I'm only human.
Norton, you have developed so many talents during your stay at the Snoop Abode. First of all, I bet you didn't know how excellent you are at cat yodeling before you came to stay with us. You and Mr. Snoop have really perfected that. Secondly, I'm sorry you didn't enjoy dancing with me as much as I enjoyed dancing with you. You really do a remarkably can-can. If only you would be more open-minded, I think you could really go far with your yodeling and dancing.
We really have to work on your demon eyes.
It distracts from your superior dancing technique.
TTFN, Norton. I'll be seeing (and dancing) you soon. After all, you only live an hour and a half away.
PS- I'm giving away your secret. I'm pretty sure this is you in the Fresh Step ad.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Bad Snoop
Snoop, how could you?
Shame, Shame, Shame
How dare you dishonor the Name Of The Snoop?
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Chris enjoying his first birthday cake.
(Yep, that's me with the jorts, bangs, and scrunchie.)
On Tuesday, the brother of the Snoop arrived here...
Quito, Ecuador
....for a semester abroad. I am so excited for him! I studied abroad in Ecuador in 2005 and had way too much fun (pictures to come). I'm positive he'll have an amazing experience. Truth be told, now that I'm old, married, and have a real job, I'm more than a little jealous of all the fun he's about to have over the next 4 months.
Btw, Chris unfortunately no longer wears green Babar outfits. Evidence:
Sweet shirt, man. I hope there was a matching koozie.
He has also started a blog (yay!) to keep everyone updated with his fun times abroad. Here it is:
¡Buen Viaje, Cristobal!
[Side note: If you have any inclination to go to Ecuador, GO! It is such a beautiful country, the people are so kind, and it is not that far away. Plus there is no jet lag. In one country, you can see the Andes, the Amazon, the coast, and the Galapagos. Awesomeness.]
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Our Weekend / Barbie Cupcakes
We had a great weekend. On Friday, we hosted a little party with our medical school friends. It was a fabulous time and I think everyone enjoyed the much-needed relaxation.
Saturday was a beautiful day. Keely and I did a little consignment store shopping. I scored this little shelf that I'm re-painting and going to use as a night stand in our guestbasement room. Keely got an awesome piece for her dining room, but I'll wait for her to show that off :)
Our neighbor's daughter (age 7) came over to do crafts with me. She taught me how to make this precious caterpillar craft. To bad there aren't any caterpillar Bible stories, or I would totally use this at work!
Snoop: "Do you like them?"
Mr. Snoop: "Do I like what, Snoop?"
Snoop: "The cupcakes. You know, the cupcakes."
Mr. Snoop: "What cupcakes?"
Snoop: "The Barbie cupcakes. Did you like them?"
Mr. Snoop: "Yes, Snoop. I liked the Barbie cupcakes."
Maybe these are what I was thinking of...
Keely and I with the margaritas. Please excuse the creepy red eyes.
Saturday was a beautiful day. Keely and I did a little consignment store shopping. I scored this little shelf that I'm re-painting and going to use as a night stand in our guest
Our neighbor's daughter (age 7) came over to do crafts with me. She taught me how to make this precious caterpillar craft. To bad there aren't any caterpillar Bible stories, or I would totally use this at work!
It rained all day Sunday, which made for perfect relaxation weather. Mr. Snoop played his video game and I read. It was lovely. As usual, my reading devolved into a gigantic nap. Some of you may know about my propensity to talk (and walk) in my sleep. During my nap, Mr. Snoop and I apparently had the following interaction, which I have no memory of:
Snoop: "Do you like them?"
Mr. Snoop: "Do I like what, Snoop?"
Snoop: "The cupcakes. You know, the cupcakes."
Mr. Snoop: "What cupcakes?"
Snoop: "The Barbie cupcakes. Did you like them?"
Mr. Snoop: "Yes, Snoop. I liked the Barbie cupcakes."
Maybe these are what I was thinking of...
Horrifying, no?
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Erin Condren Life Planner
Well, I caved and got an Erin Condren Life Planner. And it is absolutely everything it is cracked up to be. For the past year, I've been juggling the calendar that my work provides and my iphone calendar, the first of which is so not portable and the second I just can't frekin stand. Then once this beauty came in the mail the heavens opened and the angels sang. Without further ado, here's my planner in all her glory...
Isn't she gorgeous?
I love the way it is organized into morning / day / night, and the To-Do list on the lower left.
Isn't my week just so exciting? I know you're jealous...
These stickers are great- I have used them to color-code work events. I also ordered the personalized notepad.
Don't these pretties just match perfectly?
Since I work in education, August is my ramp-up month and September is pure insanity. Hopefully this year will be more organized with my spankin new planner. After I transcribed all my appointments and major events, I went on a huge organization bender. I am currently re-organizing ALL of my recipes. I'll show and tell once I'm done. I'm sure everyone is holding their breath...
Friday, August 12, 2011
TV Shows
Mr. Snoop and I love to get hooked on TV shows. I vastly prefer them to movies, and I love the convenience of netflix-ing each season so we don't have to deal with commercials.
While I have shows I watch on and off (Glee, Bones, anything having to do with Teen Pregnancy... don't judge me), there are other shows that Mr. Snoop and I enjoy together. Previously, we have been into the following:

We will watch House if it is on, and I just love the whole mafia genre. Plus it helps me perfect my imitation of a New York / New Jersey accent, which is epic if I do say so myself.
However, without a doubt, Mr. Snoop's and my favorite TV show of all time is....
The. Greatest. Show. Ever.
For those of you saying "I don't really like football, wah, wah, wah..." it is not all about football. It is about life. Seriously, if you must watch this show. Mr. Snoop has a major crush on Tami Taylor, which is cool with me because I want to be her when I grow up. Plus, it is filmed in my hometown! Really, just go watch this show. We are anxiously awaiting the release of the final season on Netflix. After that, I will cry and then we will need a new show to watch.
Some options we are considering: True Blood, Treme, The Wire....
Any suggestions? What are your favorite shows?
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Feline Drama
Mr. Snoop and I have two cats: Woo and Shammy Boy. They are brothers and we are obsessed with them. Personality-wise, they are basically dogs trapped in fury cat bodies. They greet us at the door, are super affectionate, come when they are called, do tricks for food/catnip, etc. Shammy Boy licks, which is gross. They are also frighteningly smart: Woo can open doors and cabinets. Shammy Boy once opened up his carrier from the inside and escaped. On a plane. Then he climbed onto the laps of the people seated behind us. Needless to say, if our boys had opposable thumbs the world would be in huge trouble.
My in-laws recently moved about an hour and a half away. Since they are heading out of town for two weeks, their cat Norton is staying with us. While our boys can best be described as dog-cats, Norton is more like a grouchy troll. Don't let the cute Scottish Fold face fool you.
He arrived on Saturday and Peace On Earth it is not. In addition to the fact that I have to share the bathroom sink with a grouchy troll cat, our boys are displaying some uncharacteristic feline instinct. They are not pleased with The Intruder. There have been standoffs aplenty- so much so that we had to seperate them at night. To be fair, Norton continually antagonizes the boys even though he is seven years older and about 1/3 to 1/2 their size. While we have enjoyed the pleasure of Norton's troll-like company and out-sized pur, I look forward to more of this when he leaves:
Shammy Boy has the pink nose/paws, Woo has the black nose/paws
He arrived on Saturday and Peace On Earth it is not. In addition to the fact that I have to share the bathroom sink with a grouchy troll cat, our boys are displaying some uncharacteristic feline instinct. They are not pleased with The Intruder. There have been standoffs aplenty- so much so that we had to seperate them at night. To be fair, Norton continually antagonizes the boys even though he is seven years older and about 1/3 to 1/2 their size. While we have enjoyed the pleasure of Norton's troll-like company and out-sized pur, I look forward to more of this when he leaves:
Brotherly incest love
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Jamesie beats the tumor
Some of you in the blogosphere may have heard about baby Jamesie. Less than a month after he became sick with an incredibly aggressive brain tumor, James Sykes went to heaven. He was eight months old. You can get the whole story on their family blog: Jamesie beats the tumor. You should be prepared to cry. A lot.
James' mom is a high school friend of my cousin, and she has requested that folks help out in their effort to have a baby giraffe at the Dallas Zoo named after baby James. I think this is such a sweet legacy for their baby boy. If you feel so led, please fill out and send in the form here and vote for the giraffe to be named "Jamie the giraffe" (she is a girl giraffe). You can see the Sykes' post on naming the giraffe here. And if you have a blog, please feel free to pass this along. Thanks!
Friday, August 5, 2011
Our Weekend: The Adirondacks
Sorry about the tippy picture. We were on a boat (m-effer on a boat).
Yes, I know it is Friday, and I am just now talking about what we did last weekend. Better late than never!
This past weekend, we went with some of our friends to their lakehouse in the Adirondacks. They were so kind to include us and we had the best time! I had never been to the Adirondacks--it is such a beautiful area. We spent most of the time lounging, eating, and poking around the property.
This past weekend, we went with some of our friends to their lakehouse in the Adirondacks. They were so kind to include us and we had the best time! I had never been to the Adirondacks--it is such a beautiful area. We spent most of the time lounging, eating, and poking around the property.
Mr. Snoop checks out this awesome old rifle.
He may just fit in with my family yet.
That thing was SO heavy. Take a look at that bayonet!
I am also happy to report that I heard/saw my very first loon!
Mr. Snoop went on a guys canoe trip to Algonquin Park a few years ago and has been obsessed with loon noises (calls?) ever since. I finally got to hear what he was talking about. Such an eerie and cool noise. We also saw it dive down--and then pop back up like 100 yards away. Craziness.
At a quick visit to a craft fair, I scored this awesome antique chair for a steal of a deal. Don't you love the woven seat? Now I have to paint my desk to coordinate. I will also replace the hardware. Any suggestions? I love that I have a souvenir to remember this wonderful weekend by!
I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!
I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Recipe: (Healthier) Blueberry Muffins
I love to bake (and eat!) baked goods, but I do not have much of a sweet tooth. Neither does Mr. Snoop. So, a lot of muffin recipes are too sugary/buttery for us. Also, while I'm not a total health nut, I prefer to make our food healthier when I can.
[Side note: I know it sounds strange to whine about not having a sweet tooth, so let it be known that I do have my vices. Give me the salt. I can go through a bag of Trader Joe's everything bagel chips in a single sitting.]
With tons of yummy blueberries in the store I got a craving for blueberry muffins. Martha to the rescue! She saved the day with this recipe from the Everyday Foods app, which will now be a standby in our house. I thought I'd share in case anyone else likes a healthier/heartier blueberry muffin:
Banana-Blueberry Muffins
- 1 cup whole-wheat flour, spooned and leveled
- 3/4 cup all-purpose flour, spooned and leveled
- 1/4 cup wheat germ (I used oatmeal)
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature
- 1/3 cup granulated sugar
- 1/3 cup packed light-brown sugar
- 2 large eggs
- 2 ripe bananas
- 1/3 cup milk
- 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
- 1 cup blueberries (I used more)
- Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Line a 12-cup muffin pan with paper liners. In a bowl, whisk together flours, wheat germ or oatmeal, baking soda, and salt.
- In a large bowl, beat butter and sugars with a mixer until light and fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. In another bowl, mash bananas with a fork (you should have 3/4 cup); stir in milk and vanilla.
- With mixer on low, alternately add flour mixture and banana mixture to butter mixture, beginning and ending with flour mixture; mix just until combined. Fold in blueberries.
- Divide batter among muffin cups. Bake until a toothpick inserted in the center of a muffin comes out clean, 25 to 28 minutes, rotating pan halfway through. Let cool in pan 10 minutes; transfer muffins to a rack to cool 10 minutes more.
I hope yall enjoy :)
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